Monday, October 6, 2008

Crossing My Fingers

Sox game still going after five hours. It's in the bottom of the 12th, Angels up 1 run and two outs.

Nevermind, the game is over. Drats. Shoot. They're back at it tomorrow.

If the announcers talk about the rally monkey again, I'm going to have to take all the monkeys hostage from the zoo. I don't have any weapons, but I have something like a dozen bananas in the kitchen. They're ripe too and taste delicious. No monkey will be able to resist.

On another topic, I started a book a few weeks ago and have been neglecting it lately. It's not that I don't like it because I do. It's called The Rule of the Bone, and it has a The Catcher in the Rye feel. I'm about a quarter of the way through it and I should start reading it again. After SEAD, I was doing a lot of reading. I finished Choke, written by the same guy that wrote Fight Club, a man named Chuck Palahniuk. It was a very strange book, but very funny and very good. I also read The Cider House Rules, after recommending another John Irving book to a friend. Cider House was really good, a great story. The thing about John Irving's books is that he is a great story-teller, and he gets his readers pretty hooked on this world he dreams up. It works on me. I also appreciate, having lived and grown up in New England, that his stories center around the world of New England. When he talks about apple orchards or granite quarries, I feel like I know exactly what he means. My mind has no trouble picturing it the way I think he has it painted in his mind. I actually saw the movie before reading the book. I saw it my Freshman year of college with (I think) Pauline, Devin, and Ctao. Feel free to confirm or deny. The book has some very distinct differences, so I didn't feel like I already knew everything that was going to happen. It had also been a while since seeing the movie. However, I'm guessing I think Michael Cain played the part of Dr. Wilbur Larch well because I kept picturing him in my mind as the good doctor. And No! I don't have a crush on the old man so don't go there sickos.

There's another book that I wanted to recommend, and it's the book that I recommended to my friend, Julia J. It's a John Irving book I read as a sophomore in high school, in one of my favorite English classes ever. It's called A Prayer for Owen Meany. Another great story that takes place in New Hampshire. My fellow Dartmouth grads, check it out if you ever feel like you miss the granite of New Hampshire. Speaking of Dartmouth, I do miss the campus and the atmosphere. I hope I will see a lot of you guys at Homecoming two weekends from now.

I'm going to try to go to sleep at a decent hour tonight, I'm shooting for 3-4 instead of 6-7. I'm also going to try to get up earlier. Don't be disappointed with the lack of posts for your workday; I'll be updating during the day. Hopefully, I'll do something awesome tomorrow so I can write about it.


Deveranues Coles said...


Anonymous said...

Cool, you should read We All Fall Down by Robert Comier its a really good book. I'd say one of my favorite even though I read it eons ago.