Thursday, October 9, 2008

Princess Mononoke Part II

I don't mean to dwell on the same topics and post about the same things all the time, but I watched it again just now. I watched it on a smaller screen at a higher resolution. I usually like to watch it on the biggest screen available, but the smaller screen provided a more vivid and detailed picture. That's what it took to truly appreciate the quality of the animation. Watching it a second time was even better than the first time; I could focus more on the little details.

I was watching Mr. Deeds earlier tonight and missed the latest episode of the Road Rules/Real World Challenge. I also missed the latest of The Amazing Race. For all the tv that I watch, I sure miss a lo t of shows. Of course, it's not realistic to be able to watch all shows on tv, but I think I get around pretty well. I could probably hold my own in a conversation about a couple dozen tv shows. Back to The Amazing Race for a second. Devin and I were going to apply for that show. I think being on the show would be such a great opportunity for adventure. Imagine being on a race across the globe and being put in situations that you have never found yourself before. I think that would be so cool. I think Devin and I would do really well too. We're both decently intelligent. He can speak German in case we're in that part of Europe. I can handle the Spanish. I'm Asian, so we could do pretty well in Asia. Also, my charm works really well on food service employees and my guess is that it transfers to airline employees and taxi drivers. Devin, we should apply for the next season, man. We could be great! I've been watching it for a while now and I think our strengths and weaknesses really compliment each other, so we could kick butt on the challenges. If it came down to a sprint to the finish, I'm sure we're both athletic enough to beat out the newlywed grandparents or the pregnant teenagers. We should at least start filling out the application since it's like 10 pages long. I think making the video would be a blast. Get at me.

Oh. I shaved my mustache off today. I didn't want to show up for tutoring with a terrible looking mustache. Don't worry, the chinstrap beard is still there.

I'm going to introduce a new element to my blog. Everyday, I'm going to do a little research on a place that I want to visit and some of the things I would want to do there. I want to warn you in advance that most of the time I will be listing places I want to eat at each location. Sometimes, the sole purpose of visiting a place will be to eat at a particular restaurant there.

Today's location:

Los Angeles: I have never been to the west coast, so L.A. is definitely a stop I need to make. As for things to do there, I need to hit up Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles. I saw an episode of Snoop Dogg's tv show (told you I watch a lot of tv) and he took David Beckham there for lunch. I've been craving some quality fried chicken. I'd also want to check out Hollywood and maybe go on one of those star watch tours that takes tourists to a bunch of celebrity homes. I want to see the Pacific Ocean and check out the boardwalk at Venice Beach. Kelly told me that there's a magician that works the boardwalk. I want to see just how good this guy is. Maybe there's a job for me on the boardwalk in Cali. I should start working on my magic again.

1 comment:

Deveranues Coles said...



I got sucked back in to RWRRC after not watching it up until two days ago. After watching two episodes back to back I remembered why I used to be hooked on this show. The drama is intense, the characters unforgettable. I won't spoil it for you, but EV played a huge part in last night's episode and made things interesting. As for AR, I concur and have been checking every once in awhile to see when a new application process will begin. Unfortunately, they just ordered two seasons back to back so we may have to wait as long as 6 months to a year before a new app period. Only time will tell. Also, I recommend you review Westminster, Colorado. there's a Hooters there.