Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Great Discovery

I was going through a box of stuff I had at SEAD to find some blank cds. I was planning on burning a mix cd that I made a couple of weeks ago. I came across a Rubik's cube which was pretty exciting; it's been a while since I solved one. Hopefully, I still know how to do it. Anyway, that's not the great discovery. I found the cds that I was looking for along with my external hard drive. At the end of SEAD, I discovered that it wasn't working properly. My laptop wouldn't recognize it, which bothered me a lot. I lent it out to the high school interns to work on SEAD stuff and it didn't work when I got it back. I had a lot of stuff on there like all my pictures from college, seasons of Scrubs, all my music, and a lot of papers from my classes. Luckily, my computer hasn't crashed since then. I plugged it into my home computer a little while ago and found that it worked fine. I tried my computer again to no avail. I was pretty disappointed, but I didn't give up. I kept trying and finally got it to work. Now, I have all my stuff that I saved on the hard drive. What a great discovery! The thing I was most worried about were the pictures that I got over the summer while at SEAD. I'm going to try to post a bunch of them. They should be entertaining to look at if you get bored. I don't know if I can post many on this blog, so I'll probably make a facebook album. I already have two albums: Pictures of Nouns and Pictures of Moustaches. Check it out if you haven't already. I'll try to get the SEAD album going in a timely manner. Once I get the pictures up, I'm sure I'll be reminded of some really great stories that I could write about.

Same episodes of Fresh Prince on. Has anyone else seen the Bloopers episode at the end of the 6th and final season of Fresh Prince?

1 comment:

Deveranues Coles said...