Friday, October 3, 2008


Sorry for falling asleep on the job. Just kidding! I'm unemployed, so falling asleep on the job is not really a possibility. But I'm sorry if my lack of postings made your day seem longer than it had to.

In other news, I finally had my mock session with an hour ago. It went pretty well. I'm supposed to hear back from them anywhere from 3-30 business days on their decision. The majority of the time is for them to run the background check on me. My record is pretty squeaky clean, so I'm hoping that means I'll hear back sooner and can start tutoring sooner.

It's Friday, so I guess the postings I put up this weekend won't really help out you working people. If you want, you can avoid reading the blog on the weekends. That way, there should be plenty to read at the start of the work week, when you're sure to have a case of the Mondays.

I'm just watching the Red Sox game right now. I'll probably play some bounce out while I watch. If you haven't played before, check it out. Just google "bounce out" and look for the free online version, should be the first of second hit. It's fun. I heard about it from my friend, Julia J. Thanks, Julia!

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