Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I am rather pleased right now. After sending in my resume and cover letter today, I feel as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I really hope I get this job, but I feel more prepared to apply to other jobs even if I don't get it. I feel like I have a resume, so turning out a few more cover letters wouldn't be a big deal. The prospect of living in New York is excited and daunting at the same time. I worry about the cost of living in the big city. I worry I won't be able to have my parent's cooking everyday, which is very good and doesn't cost me a thing. I worry that I won't be able to afford the rent. I don't know what my expected salary for this job might be, but I'm guessing it's not very large since I'll be working with adolescents and education. It's a troubling trend, but that's the way things are. All worries aside, I'm still excited about the prospect of living in such a big and diverse place. You don't really get the same diversity and vast stretches of streets on Cape Cod. I could use the culture shock. I also know a lot of people living in or near the city, so I would feel not so little in the city.

I've been working on getting my Rubik's cube time down, but it hasn't been going very well. My best time so far is 2 min 20 sec, which is pretty decent but nowhere near the 30 seconds that the professionals pull off. I've been clocking in around 3 min which I'm pretty happy with, given the old and worn cube that I'm using. I think I might try to get a new one that might be easier to maneuver for a faster time.

I think I'm going to try to watch a movie tonight. I have a movie on my external hard drive that I've been meaning to watch. Since it's working again, I'm going to watch it. It's a pretty famous Japanese animation: Princess Mononoke. This movie has been on my movie list for a while now, but I never got around to it. That reminds me that I have to make a new movie list because I lost my old one. I had something like 50 movies that I wanted to see on there. It was a lot easier to get through a movie list when I was at school because I could borrow movies from the Jones Media Center. I guess I could get Netflix, but I think I watch too much tv as is. It might be a huge mistake.

I took my final exam for today, so I'm hoping to hear back from them soon so I can start tutoring and making some money. Tomorrow night, I'm tutoring my mom's friend's son after dinner for an hour or so.

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