Sunday, October 12, 2008

Won't Think For Food

I'd like to take this opportunity to use my first post to thank Khiet for this wonderful, humbling opportunity, and to pay tribute to a wonderful teddy bear of a man named Dan "The Man" Belkin, A.K.A. "The Business", A.K.A. "Fancy" Dan, A.K.A. The Whole Danchilada. When Dan isn't busy writing award-winning history theses and screenplays, he can be found on Xbox Live "giving 'em the business" or taking his high school sweetheart Chloe (center) on obscenely expensive romantic getaways. Did I mention the man speaks French? Oo la la indeed, ladies. But fear not; while he's currently not on the market, I hear his lady friend is quite prone to temper tantrums, and I have it on good authority that Dan may soon be replaced in her heart by a budding lothario who, according to the lady herself, "looks SO hot now that he got his braces taken off." So get in line girls, and count yourself blessed if you're lucky enough to snag him off the market. In the meantime, check out his poetic stylings over at Goodnight and good luck.
Happy berfday Fancy.

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