Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Need Exercise

It's been 3 weeks since I've gotten any exercise. 2 weeks ago, I did a few push ups before I got tired and went back to playing poker. Before that, I was practicing with the soccer team at my old high school. CAW! CAW! I stopped going because it's a bit of a drive. Going everyday adds up and gas is crazy expensive. I do miss being active though. I used to go to the gym 4 or 5 times a week and I'd drag Devin along. One of the things I miss most are the times we'd all just hang out on the green - playing bocce or tossing a baseball. I think I'm going to try to go on a run when I wake up in the late afternoon.

Don't worry. I probably won't be posting this many times on a regular basis. There's just something about the start of something new that's very exciting. I may lose interest over time, but I think I like this. I've never kept a journal or anything like that; it's refreshing to put some thoughts down.

1 comment:

MartyMart said...

You and me both Khiet. The fat is gather around me...but I'm to lazy to religiously run every day. Plus I eat a lot, so I guess I'm killing myself both ways. However, where there is a will there is a way. On another note, can you write a blog about what college was like when you were a freshmen? Also what is bocce?