Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Digital Television

This whole digital transition thing is pretty stupid in my opinion. I was watching some Good Eats last night; Alton Brown was showing me how to make delicious frosting. Unfortunately, there were glitches every couple of minutes. This was incredibly annoying because I have no idea how to make great butter cream frosting and I also missed one of the steps to frosting such a cake. It doesn't happen during the day, just at night when I'm watching. What did I ever do them? I like to fall asleep with the tv on. Don't worry, I don't leave it on all night. I program it to turn off shortly after I doze off. As you can imagine, the frequent glitches threw off my sleep so I had trouble falling asleep.

Minor complaint.


Deveranues Coles said...

Have trouble sleeping?
Watch that Rachael Ray program.
She'll bore you to death.

khieters said...

She's not on late night, and I wouldn't be able to sleep if I watched her. I might just rip my eyes ears out so I wouldn't have to see or hear her. Actually, she's not that bad, but I'm not a fan.