Friday, December 5, 2008


OJ Simpson was sentenced today to 15 years of prison for his involvement in an altercation in Las Vegas. Apparently, Simpson heard through the grape vines that some men were holed up in a hotel room with a bunch of stolen memorabilia and other personal possessions belonging to Mr. Simpson. He then went to confront those men with some back-up and a gun. He was arrested when those men in the hotel room called the police. He was seen in court today making a teary-eyed apology and statement to the court. The judged upheld the conviction handed down by a jury his peers and she sentenced him to 15 years is a Nevada county prison. She also tagged on a supplement of one to six years to be served after his sentence of 15 years. The additional punishment was due to the fact that these crimes were perpetrated with the use of a deadly weapon, a gun. In reality, the 60-something year old Simpson is going to serve somewhere between 8-10 years. He's eligible for parole after serving a third of his 15 year sentence, but is then obligated to take on the additional sentence.

Haikus for OJ:

Double Jeopardy
Allowed him to write his book,
But now he's in jail.

He only wanted
To get his things back from them,
But he used a gun.

All-Star running back,
Juking the Law all these years;
Tackled for a loss.


Cooper said...

I like the second haiku a lot. Brilliant stuff.

khieters said...

thank you, my friend. you deserve a lot of the credit as i've learned to appreciate the haiku after hearing some amazing stuff from you during AP English, those were the days.