Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I decided that since I have no fun stories to share because I live a boring life, I'm going to ask really pertinent and thought-provoking questions.

Please refer to my picture from the previous post: the one where the soccer player is getting OWNED by a soccer ball (futbol or football if you're an international reader, of which I have none).
As you can see from the picture, the ball and the man's face are in a fight. That's a pretty rare event actually. You usually use your head on purpose. That said, I did hit a kid wearing glasses in the face during a high school soccer game. I made him bleed, cracked his frames in half. The jagged, cracked frames cut him right between the eyes. It only bled a little though; he lived.

My question though, is: Why do soccer players not wear cups? Baseball players, lacrosse players, and football players wear cups. Why not soccer players? If your face can get smashed like that, what's to keep your package from enduring the same treatment? I find it odd, that's all. I have seen some close calls/direct hits in person. I just think safety precautions should be taken. Think of the children. Some kids start playing in recreational soccer leagues as soon as they can run around. Think of the children! Children are our future.


Anonymous said...

omg omg omg, yes!!! WOW, i was just thinking of this question the other day and I almost brought it up in conversation. This year I was hit twice in the balls with a soccer ball which led me to ask this same question. weird....

Deveranues Coles said...

My mom used to make me wear a soft cup during soccer when I was younger. I think the reason is twofold:
1. Mobility. In baseball you do a lot of standing around and when you run, it's usually in one direction for a few seconds. In soccer you're constantly moving in all directions, and wearing a cup can handicap that movement.
2. Comedy. There was this kid on my travel team that no one liked cuz he was lame and a whiner. One time we set up a wall, only this kid is so lame and so cumb that instead of protecting himself, he puts his hands behind his back like he's taking a team picture. Of course, he gets drilled right in the jewels. Hilarious. And that is why.