Thursday, November 27, 2008


Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays for several reasons:

1. There is usually a very large and bountiful feast for me to devour, which challenges me mentally and physically as I love to eat.
2. Thanksgiving is one of the only times I think people actually sit down and think about how lucky and fortunate they are. In elementary school, we used to go around the classroom and say one thing we were looking forward to eating and one thing we were thankful for. Being young and somewhat oblivious to almost everything around us, sometimes those two things were the same. I encourage you, though, to take a minute or two today and just think about a couple of things you are thankful for.
3. Football! I haven't been following the NFL as closely this year as I usually do. I think not playing in a fantasy football league this year is affecting the regularity of my viewing. Football is so classic though, some turkey and pigskin.
4. Time with friends and family.

This list is not in any order of importance, just random.

Sometimes when I think about all the things I'm thankful for, I also think about people who might not be fortunate enough to have what I have. Although I think that everyone must have something to be thankful for, there are some who have far less than others. I think one of the great things about Thanksgiving is that it gives me some perspective on things, and I'm thankful for that. Also, like I've said, I love to eat that food coma-inducing turkey with mounds of mashed potatoes flowing with gravy. One of the things I never did in college is bring a friend home for Thanksgiving. My closest friends all went home, so I never really had a chance but I'm sure I could've looked a little harder. It just seems like a fun thing to do and a good way to get to know someone better over a short holiday break.

Anyway, this year, I'm extremely thankful for and grateful to my friends and family for their ever-present support and love for me. I don't deserve it, but I will gladly take it. You guys have shown me such kindness, compassion, and trust. You've done so much for me and I can't tell you how much it means. Well, I could but I wouldn't be able to convey the magnitude of what you've all meant to me. Whether it was having me stay with you during a visit, extending your hand out to support me, helping me with the job search, helping me write resumes and cover letters, just watching tv with me, buying me dinner because I'm unemployed, taking a minute out of your work day to chat with me, or simply staying in touch by reading my blog. I really appreciate all the help and support you've given me. I just want to wish each one of you a happy Thanksgiving. So whether you're in South Korea, Kazakhstan, Puerto Rico, the West Coast, New York/New Jersey, Maryland, or even closer, know that I'm thankful for your friendship and love above all else.

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