Saturday, November 29, 2008

Air Balls

I played basketball yesterday for the first time in a while. I learned from that experience that I'm terribly out of shape. I used to be able to play for 3 hours straight, but that's no longer true, not even close. I get so winded during a single game that I don't have enough left in my legs to make a jump shot. I airballed 3 shots. I think that I really need to start working out again and running because I'm so out of shape right now. It's a little bit ridiculous. There were some high school kids there that play on the varsity team now, and watching them run around with endless stamina was a little depressing. That used to be me! Sadly, I'm more aware that 23 can feel much older if you don't take care of yourself. New Year's resolution?

In other news, I got to hang out with some friends last night that I hadn't seen in a while. A lot of folks were home for Thanksgiving, so I got to see some of them. Andy, Joey, and Jeff were back for a few days. It was nice to see them and catch up. I was over Andy's house and got to see some of his slide show he was showing his family from his trip to Europe. There were some pretty amazing pictures. I watched the Celtics game at Conor's. Scalabrine had himself a pretty eventful game; he drained a trey and then someone was ejected for flagrantly fouling him. I got to meet Joey's girlfriend, Jen. She's really nice, not great at pool, but nice. She's from Tennessee so she's got an accent which is fun to poke fun at.

Overall, it was a fun day. However, I'm still very disappointed in my poor endurance and stamina. I need to do some running. My next chance to play is on Thursday evening in an old man league. Maybe I will be in better shape than some of those guys, but I doubt it. They play every week while I play once every couple of months. I need to get into shape, better shape anyway.

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