Friday, January 16, 2009

Sleepless in Bourne

I will have been awake for the past 36 hours at midnight. I woke up on Thursday at noon to go about my regular routine of checking my email, fantasy team, and monstertrak. I went to play basketball with the old men at CCA. There were only 6 of us there, but we somehow managed to play full court. After basketball, I spent the next 12-14 hours playing poker online. It was a pretty up and down night, but I ended up in the green. Then I went to watch the varisty team play. They won in a well contested game against Strugis Charter School, who had previously beat CCA for the first time in their history a few weeks earlier. This game was a statement game as in: The last games was a mistake. On so it was.

After the game, Chris, his gf, and I went to meet up with Conor and his gf. 5th wheel, that's me. We had a delicious dinner at the Outback Steakhouse. We went it a chinese restuarant (Tiki Port) for drinks and relaxation. We talked about a variety of things which included a lot of hilarious things that happened in high school. I will, in the future, devote a post on some of the antics we pulled, but now I must go sleep for many hours.

The last time I has been awake this long was a few months ago in college during finals period. I remember staying up 42 hours straight during the fall of senior year. I was taking an extra class, which became more papers and projects to do, so I was awake for a while. I remember trying to hang out with people after I finished my last paper, but found it difficult because I had become somewhat delirious. I don't feel that way this time. I feel pretty good considering I hadn't had any sleep in 36 hours. I think it's because I wasn't studying or researching or writing; I was simply staring at a computer screen and hitting buttons, but that's kind of like writing a paper anyway. I digress. I need some sleep. It get difficult because my eyes start to hurt when I close them, even when I blink, around 30 hours without sleep. I'll try anyway. Have a good weekend.

Birthday Spotlight

Happy Birthday to Conor Hegarty (23) and Kevin Chithran (24). Have a wonderful day.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Weird Dream

This image haunts me...

I woke up this morning from a very strange dream. Having a strange dream like this one and actually remembering it is a strange feat in itself. The average human has a dozen or so dreams very night, lasting for seconds each, but they are mostly forgotten. I usually forget all of my dreams by the time I get out of bed, but I think that my dream was part of the reason I got up in the first place. I went to bed around 5 am last night and was fully expecting to get up no earlier than 2 pm, the usual. Instead, I got up a little after 10 am. I remember hearing my roommate recall a bunch of weird dreams in college, but now I finally have a pretty memorable one myself.

Here's the dream: It first starts at a Christmas pageant or a talent show or something. I'm part of an act that is mouthing the words to an original song about apples. There's like seven of us up there and we're dressed like elves, and the stage is set up with fake trees to look like an orchard. I'm kind of running around the stage pretending to mouth the words, but I don't really know them. My colleagues are visibly unimpressed and rather displeased with me. I find out after the show that I missed a crucial rehearsal, probably the only one we had. During the act, I attempt to juggle three apples which ended poorly. The apples are super saturated with juice and explode when they hit the stage, splashing some of my cast-mates and some of the closer audience members. Then my dream cuts into what I can only guess is an after party which takes the form of a cook out. I'm sitting at a picnic table of which there are many. It appears nearly all the people I've called friends at any point in my life is at this cookout. Sitting across from me is one of my best friends from 5th grade. Also at my table are some members of my college fraternity and a guy that was kind of annoying in high school. I wonder to myself where everyone is sitting, thinking of close friends from high school and college. I don't seem to be able to spot anyone. I eventually make my way to where the food is being prepared. To my surprise, my college roommate, Devin, is the one in charge of cooking. I've only seen him make Rice Sides in real life, so I was not really sure what to think. The grill is just a giant piece of metal weave that is placed on top of some rocks above fire pit center. On the grill are three cats - three giant cats. I'm not really a cat person, but this kind of bothers me. I was excpecting pork shoulder and ribs. Anyway, I start chatting with Devin but I don't know what we were saying. In my dream, I was not seeing it through my eyes at all times. At points, like when I'm staring at the cats on the grill, I see them through my eyes. However, I was a third party observer when Devin and I were talking. While we were talking, two of the cats get up and start walking around on the grill. All three still had their fur and everything, nothing had been done to prep them for cooking. On the one hand, it sort of relieved me because that might mean these cats just jumped on the grill and that we weren't going to eat them. On the other hand, had they been dinner, the appropiate measure were not taken and a lot of people were going to be hungry. These two cats start fighting each other, jump off the grill and continue to fight on solid ground. One cat turns out to be a dog or something that's not a cat. This is when I'm coming out of the dream and start losing the imagery, but I have the look of these two beasts vividly stamped in my mind. They were attacking each other and looking ferocious. Not only that, but they had been sitting on a grill surface so they kind of aflame. It was the weirdest thing. I remember thinking these animals are insane, except the voice in my head was that of Tracy Morgan.

Feel free to interpret if you dare. Anyway, I'm up earlier than I have been in a while. Maybe this will mean a more normal sleeping pattern at normal hours. I may also be actually going insane, way off the deep end...

Monday, January 12, 2009

New Record

Previous Rubik's cube time: 2 min 15 secs
New Record: 1 min 58 secs

Celebrity Sighting

I was in California a couple of weeks ago walking down Rodeo Drive and minding my own business when I saw a very familiar face. I knew I've seen this guy before, but I couldn't quite put a name to the face. I only knew that I've seen that face before. Do you know how this is?

It's Neal McDonough! You've probably seen this man in a lot of television shows and in movies. In 2002, he was in Minority Report with Tom Cruise. He followed up this success in 2003 with a significant role in the sci-fi thriller Timeline, alongside Paul Walker of The Fast and the Furious fame. Outdoing himself in yet again in 2004, he played the leading villian opposite Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson in Walking Tall. In 2005, he voiced the Incredible Hulk in a video game, drawing from earlier experiences of playing the Hulk on television. In 2006, Neal played a US Coast Gurad Rescue Swimming Instructor with a cast that included the always powerful Kevin Costner and the Houdini of Hollywood, Ashton Kutcher. Kutcher's disappearance from the Hollywood spotlight is very puzzling. Some experts (this guy) think that this stunt may simply be a long and drawn out punking attempt on everyone, his greatest feat yet. Either that or he's suffering from personal demons that he's trying to deal with, so he left the spotlight to focus more on himself and his family. One of the two.

Back to my boy, Neal. I should say that I was never in California, ever. I saw Neal over the Christmas holiday on Cape Cod. I was at a bar (19th Hole) with some friends playing some darts and whatnot. Neal came in and was hanging out at the bar saying hello and shaking hands with the bartenders. Obviously, Neal knows this fine establishment and its people on a rather intimate level. It turns out that Neal is a Cape Cod product, a graduate of Barnstable High School. It was just cool to see him. There aren't too many famous people hanging out on the Cape in the winter. Yeah, so I saw a recognizable movie star in a small bar in Hyannis. Good times.