Sunday, March 8, 2009

Confused, but then not

I was up pretty late last night reading some Dickens and got very confused when I looked at the clock. I'm not a very fast reader. In fact, I would have to say I'm a rather slow reader, always have been. I like to take my time and make sure I understand everything and remember everything the first time around. Anyway, I started reading around 10 pm or at some point fairly close to that. I read for a while and then took a break for some Family Matters with Steven Q. Urkel. I picked my book back up and was reading a little more when I looked at the clock on my VCR (yes, I still have one laying around in my room) and it read: 4:30 am. The VCR is an hour early, so I thought to myself: Gee, self, you've been reading for quite a while. Maybe it's time to turn in for the night. I decide to check on my fantasy basketball team before I go to bed. I use my brother's laptop and realized that the clock on his computer read: 4:35 am. I then thought I was losing my mind because the VCR clock, which was always an hour off, was agreeing. I suspected his computer of being wrong at one point. I looked at my alarm clock, which is a smart clock and is supposed to know to switch for Daylight Savings, and it told me it was only 3:35 am. I didn't know who or what to believe! I didn't realize it until the next morning when I woke up that it was Daylight Savings; that was the culprit responsible for my confusion. It was just weird because I'm usually aware when these things happen and often complain about losing an hour of sleep. I guess I'm just losing touch with the world these days.

I got some good suggestions for books to put on my reading list. Thanks for those. Also, it's a rolling admissions list, so keep them coming if you have any suggestions. Best suggestion of the year gets a cookie.

Here's a joke: What are we going to do with all the Daylight Savings?
Punch line at the very bottom.

Speaking of books before I decided to put in a joke that's not going to be remotely funny, I may be working at Barnes and Noble in the near future. You know, the bookstore. I went to the mall and saw they were having a "job fair" so my friend and I filled out the application. I use the quotation marks because it wasn't much of a fair. I wouldn't even call it a "job small get-together." Anyway, I talked to a nice lady for a few minutes about where I went to school and stuff I like to do, that kind of thing. On my way home, I got a call to come back the next day, which I did. The lady on the phone called it a "second interview" but it was hardly that at all. I'm starting to think that Barnes and Noble have trouble calling things as they are. I've been to their store, and they actually do sell books so at least they got that right. This "second interview" which I had to drive 20-25 minutes for lasted for less than 10 minutes. The lady I was talking to didn't even ask any questions except: "Can you make the orientation this Thursday?" We could have easily had this conversation over the phone. Geez. I was sitting there in a dress shirt, tie, and a nice sweater for this. When I talked to the first lady, when I was filling out my application, she told me that they would call for a second interview that was more formal, so I decided to dress up. Silly me! So that day was a pretty huge waste of time. Now I don't really know what to expect for the "Orientation." Are they going to have me come by and tell me where the books are, where the magazines are, and where they have the CDs? If that's the case, I don't need to go. I've been to that store before. I've also been kicked out of that store during All Day Mall Day (it's exactly what it sounds like). That's a long story worthy of a post dedicated entirely to it.

Not exactly blown away by Barnes & Noble, but I do like the layout of the store and books. They sell Rubik's cubes, so I'm definitely going to get one as soon as my employee discount kicks in. As much as I love them, I refuse to pay full price for one (around $12). That's definitely a great thing about the job, the discounts. The "second interview" lady told me all about them, so I guess that was more like an orientation than anything, which means "Orientation" might be running the store by myself for a few hours. Anyway, she said 30% discount on anything on the floor, by which I think she means mostly books and Rubik's cubes.   There was hardly anything on the floor floor, they keep the place pretty tidy. She also mentioned 50% off the Starbucks Cafe which could be very nice indeed and 20% off electronics, namely CDs and movies. O, never buy movies from Barnes & Noble, very over-priced. I'm pretty sure that a DVD from Best Buy would be cheaper even with a 20% employee discount. I'll look into it soon enough. If you guys want to buy any books, let me know because any 30% discount of mine is yours.

I have a semi-evil mastermind plan in the works. I'm going work there and buy all of their books (all of them, every single one) at the discounted rate and then sell them to the public at a slightly lower price than B&N. Basically, I'm going to acquire a B&N at a discount of 30% and open up my own bookstore. I might have been confused about Daylight Savings, but I couldn't be thinking more clearly than right this minute. Now all I need to execute this brilliant plan of mine is to find a partner that can back me financially until we start turning huge profits. Plus, I don't think I have enough space in my basement; we'll need at least one more basement. In return, your name will appear in the store name. It could be:
Chhu & Fallon
Chhu & Chithran
Chhu & Marshall
Chhu & Cockerill
Chhu & McCarthy
Chhu & Yu (it rhymes, this could really sell some books)
Chhu & Belkin
Chhu & Lee (all Asian, all the way. You too, pyu)
Chhu & Sadler

I think I've exhausted the names of those who read my blog. It's sad that it's under 10 names, but I'm optimistic that this master plan of mine will make me a giant in the book-selling world, which might bring on more people to read my blog. If you read my blog and I didn't include your name, please let me know via reader comment that you do or in a private email to me. It would really boost my self-esteem if I had at least one more reader, I'm only looking for double digits, here, not asking for a national following. That's if the hyperlink doesn't work.

The end of this week should be pretty exciting. There's the "Orientation" on Thursday along with the Thursday staple, Old Man Basketball. Friday is even bigger! It's the 10th Annual Cape Cod Academy March Madness Alumni/Faculty Basketball Game, also known as CCAMMA/FBG. It's a mouthful, but it's also a really good time. Guess what? There's even a pizza party afterwards! All friends and family of any Seahawk is welcome! Come one, come all! Seriously, any of you guys could show up and watch the game and eat pizza until you puke. It'll be great! See you there.

Punch Line: 1. Keep it until a rainy day
      2. To use as a flashlight at night
      3. Invest in the stock market? Too soon?
Told you it wasn't funny.


mccarthl said...

As someone who used to work at B&N, I also enjoyed the "employee appreciation days" where the discount was even bigger!

Pauline said...

it DOES rhyme! maybe in a couple of years, khieters. :)

Paul said...

I can't get no love, even in blog form. I'm a loyal reader.

khieters said...

My bad, Doops. I didn't know you were a regular reader. You have to leave comments more often, man.

Unknown said...

Chhu and Chithran has the power of alliteration...

hang outtttttttttt